Muller Martini Corona C12



This Muller Martini Corona C12 comprises: 18 x 3691 Feeders with ASIR 2 Handfeed Station 3614 Down Stream Reject Gate 3641 Spiral Raceway Jogging Unit Book Infeed 26 Clamp Binding Unit Commander Control & Operating Station Spine Preparation Station Hotmelt Spine & Side Glue Hotmelt Pre-Melters Stream Cover Feeder Double Nipping & Pressing Station Laydown Delivery Conveyor System

OPTIONAL EXTRAS PUR Gluing Log Feeders with Gantry and Crane System Recommended Trimmer Muller Martini Zenith 'S' Trimmer Integrated Control Panel with AMRYS Quick Change Knife Cassettes Recommended Stacker Muller Martini CB16 Stacker Compensating Stacker Roller Table Delivery


ManufacturerMüller Martini
ModelCorona C12
Stock Number00068
Minimum book size100mm x 140mm
Maximum book size305mm x 510mm
Minimum book block thickness2mm
Maximum book block thickness60mm
Mechanical speed12,000 Cycles per hour