2009 Müller Martini Primera C130



1 off MULLER MARTINI PRIMERA C130 SADDLESTITCHER Year 2009 6 x 0379 Feeders with ASIR3 Signature Recognition Individual HMI Control Unit 0507 Cover Feeder (Year 2015) SEMKO Side Caliper 0383 Stitching Unit Touch Screen Control Production Optimizer Set-Up Assistant Stitch Control Delivery for incomplete products Sheet Measuring Device 2 x HK75 Q Stitching Heads 0449 Timmer Central Lubrication 2 Sets of Knives On the fly adjustments 4th & 5th Knife Kit for 2-Up Production 1 off MULLER MARTINI PERFETTO STACKER Compensating stacker Table Delivery Refurbished, Cleaned, Checked and Painted Operations Manual, Spare Parts Manual, Electrical Drawing, Standard Tools and Accessories


ManufacturerMüller Martini
ModelPrimera C130
Stock Number00005